Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010

Hay Group Study Identifies Best Companies for Leadership

Eine Studie der Hay Group, einer weltweit tätigen Unternehmenaberatung, hat die TOP 20 Unternehmen nach der Qualität ihrer Führung ermittelt und untersucht, wie diese Unternehmen ihre Führungskräfte entwickeln. Dabei wurden die u.a. Fakten festgestellt.

Originalartikel interessant!

90% of respondents in the Top 20 Best Companies for Leadership agree that all employees at their company have the opportunity to develop and practice the capabilities needed to lead others

85% of respondents in the the Top 20 Best Companies for Leadership said that employees are expected to lead, regardless if they have a formal leadership position

87% of respondents in the Top 20 Best Companies for Leadership agree there are a sufficient number of internal candidates ready to assume open leadership positions, compared with 54% of all respondents

94% of respondents in the Top 20 Best Companies for Leadership actively manage a pool of successors for mission critical roles, compared with 60% of all respondents

66% of respondents in the Top 20 Best Companies for Leadership have a high
proportion of women in senior leadership, compared with 37% of all respondents